Sunday, August 24, 2014

Everyone Needs a Pudge in Their Life

One day was especially difficult for me. I had just gone through three weeks of feeling very poorly. Then I got some potentially very bad news. I cried off and on and felt so discouraged. I texted all my friends and family for prayer. My mom and sister were in Door County, Wisconsin vacationing so they called me.

We were all discussing the situation and all feeling pretty low. Then my Aunt Pudge got on the phone. She is in her late 80s and is my mom's sister. I have always loved my Aunt Pudge. {Yes, this name was given to her when she was young and she is fine with it.} She LOVES Jesus and isn't afraid to speak about Him to anyone. 

She began reminding me to keep my eyes upon Jesus. She quoted, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God" {Philippians 4:6}. Then she told me I was the Lord's precious child and to put on the whole armor of the Lord. She encouraged me so much with her words, reminding me who I was in Christ and that God had everything in control.

It is so easy to get discouraged down here. So many bad things happen to so many people. I rarely watch the news since I don't need any more bad news in my life. We are commanded to dwell on the lovely, good, and pure for a reason. God knows we can't handle thinking about the bad. It is too hard for us, especially since there is little we can do about it anyways except to just rest in Him.

Every morning before her children left for school, Pudge would tell them that they were all going to get dressed. With hand motions, they would all fasten the belt of truth around their waist. Then they would put on the breastplate of righteousness. They would put on their shoes as readiness given by the gospel of peace. In one of their hands, they would hold up the shield of faith. Finally, they would put on their heads the helmet of salvation with the sword of the Spirit in their other hand. In this way, they were well prepared to extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.

Her children were well prepared for the day ahead of them. The Word of God is powerful, more powerful than a two-edged sword. Use it often to encourage those around you. Nothing helps lift the spirits and prepares us for battle better than God's own words to us.